Books - Library and Textbook - You may visitthe Library Media Center before and after school each day. During class hours, you must have a pass fromyour teacher to be admitted. The librarystaff is here to help you. Be sure toask for help if you can't find something.
Please observe the following rules when using theLibrary Media Center:
Students musthave a pass in order to go to the library during class time.
Books are checkedout at the circulation desk only with an I.D. card.
Observe the duedates stamped in the books you select. Books are checked out for two weeks.
Students withoverdue books will be charged a fine of 5 cents per day for regular bookscirculating two weeks. All library fines must be cleared in order to registerfor the next year's classes.
Drinks, gum andfood are not allowed.
Beconsiderate. No loud talking ordisruptive behavior. Other people havethe right to silence when they are working.
Textbooks will be issuedthrough the Library Media Center. Although all textbooks are furnished freeof charge, students are required to payfor any losses or damages beyond "normal wear." If a book is lost, the student must pay for the cost of thebook.