Breakfast and Lunch
Healthy bodies support learning. The district"s Food Services Department provides healthy meals daily to students, preparing them to learn and supporting the development of positive, life-long eating habits.
Visit the Food Services website to learn more about:
- Breakfast and Lunch Menus
- Meal Prices and Payment Options
- Free and Reduced-Price Meals
- Nutrition & Allergen Information
To help our students be prepared to learn, our District offers free and reduced-price meals. Applications for free or reduced lunch are sent home at the beginning of the school year and are also available in the school office. District policy requires families to complete a new application every year.
Breakfast may be purchased for $1.00. Lunch may be purchased for $2.00 including milk. Milk alone is 50 cents. A salad bar is offered daily. Changes will be posted in the cafeteria.
Each student enrolled at Correia has a personal meal account and a personal identification number (PIN). During mealtimes students enter their PIN on a keypad. Students who pay the full or reduced rate can either have the meal charge deducted from their account or pay cash to the cashier.
Families are encouraged to deposit money into their personal meal account. If writing a check, please make it payable to "Correia Cafe Account" and include the name of the student on the check. Place the check in an envelope and include the following information clearly printed on the front of the envelope:
- Lunch/Milk Purchase
- Name of student and homeroom teacher
- Amount enclosed
Submit the check to the cafeteria staff.
REACH for Lunch
Respectfullyline up and wait your turn
Eat usingappropriate manners
Apply aconversational tone of voice
Clean up allgarbage
Honor thevalues of REACH
1.1 Enterlunch area calmly, without running to claim a table. You are expected to form asingle-file line, wait for your turn, say "thank you" upon receiving your food,and walk calmly to a lunch table.
1.2 Listento, follow, and respect all adult instruction.
1.3 Onceat table place backpack and personal items under table or out of the way toensure no one trips.
1.4 Respectothers by not "mooching" food items; you are expected to eat your own lunch.
1.5 Allelectronic devices are to remain in backpacks and out of sight during the lunchperiod.
1.6 Whensitting at lunch tables, you are expected to speak in a conversational,restaurant level voice. No yelling or screaming.
1.7 Whenyou have finished eating, calmly throw all garbage away. No trash is to be lefton or around the table. You are expected to leave the lunch area as clean as itwas when you arrived.
1.8 Youare not allowed to stand on benches or tables. You are not allowed to runaround the lunch area.
1.9 Whenyou are finished eating and if you would like to stand and talk with yourfriends, please stand out from under the large, blue tarp.
1.10Youmust have a pass from your teachers to leave the lunch area and visit theirclassrooms. NO PASS - NO CLASS.
1.11Allfood items must remain in lunch area. Any leftover food or beverages must beput away in backpacks before leaving the lunch area.
1.12Youwill exit the lunch area using the stairs or pathway beside the teachers lounge.